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How should the environment of lava pearlescent pigments be controlled during storage?

Industry News
24 Jun 2024

Lava pearlescent pigments, with their unique color and texture, have won a high reputation in the field of artistic creation. However, in order for this precious pigment to maintain its bright color and stable performance for a long time, it is necessary to carry out fine environmental control during storage. This article will discuss in detail the key points of environmental control during the storage of lava pearlescent pigments from the aspects of temperature, humidity, light, air quality and safety.

Temperature is one of the important factors affecting the stability of lava pearlescent pigments. Too high or too low temperature may cause changes in the properties of the pigment, thereby affecting its use effect. Therefore, when storing lava pearlescent pigments, they should be placed in an environment with stable and moderate temperature. Generally speaking, the temperature of the storage room should be controlled between 15-25 degrees Celsius to avoid long-term exposure to high or low temperature environments. At the same time, in order to maintain temperature stability, constant temperature equipment such as air conditioners or constant temperature boxes can be installed to ensure that the temperature fluctuation range of the pigment storage environment is small.

Humidity also has an important impact on the storage of lava pearlescent pigments. Too high humidity may cause the pigment to absorb moisture, clump, or even mold; while too low humidity may cause the pigment to dry and discolor. Therefore, when storing lava pearlescent pigments, they should be placed in an environment with appropriate humidity. Generally speaking, the humidity in the storage room should be controlled between 50% and 70%. In order to achieve precise control of humidity, a hygrometer and a humidifier or dehumidifier can be installed to monitor and adjust the humidity of the storage environment in real time.

Light is another environmental factor that needs attention. Strong direct sunlight can cause lava pearlescent pigments to fade, change color, and even lose their luster. Therefore, when storing lava pearlescent pigments, direct sunlight should be avoided and placed in a cool, light-proof environment. In addition, in order to avoid damage to the pigment caused by long-term light, sunshade facilities such as curtains and blinds can be installed, or the pigment can be stored in an opaque container.

Air quality is also important for the storage of lava pearlescent pigments. Impurities such as dust and pollutants in the air may adhere to the surface of the pigment, affecting its color and texture. Therefore, when storing lava pearlescent pigments, the storage environment should be kept clean and sanitary. The storage room can be cleaned regularly, and air purifiers or ventilation equipment can be used to keep the air fresh and clean.

In addition to the above environmental factors, safety control is also an important part of the storage of lava pearlescent pigments. Since lava pearlescent pigments may contain flammable, explosive and other dangerous ingredients, relevant safety regulations should be strictly observed during storage. First of all, it should be ensured that the fire prevention facilities in the storage room are complete, such as installing fire extinguishers, smoke alarms and other equipment. Secondly, the storage room should be regularly inspected for safety, and potential safety hazards should be discovered and eliminated in a timely manner. In addition, when handling and using lava pearlescent pigments, operating procedures should be followed to avoid accidents.

When storing lava pearlescent pigments, it is also crucial to choose a suitable storage container. The container should have good sealing, moisture resistance and light resistance to ensure that the pigment is not disturbed by the external environment during storage. Generally speaking, containers made of glass, ceramics or plastics are good choices. At the same time, in order to avoid mutual contamination or confusion of pigments during storage, different types of pigments should be stored separately, and the name of the pigment, production date and other information should be marked on the container.

The storage of lava pearlescent pigments requires fine environmental control. By controlling factors such as temperature, humidity, light, air quality and safety, it can be ensured that the pigments maintain their bright color and stable performance during storage. At the same time, choosing a suitable storage container is also one of the important means to ensure the quality of the pigment. I hope this article can provide some useful references for artists and pigment manufacturers in the storage of lava pearlescent pigments.